O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 5
f you're look-
ing to bring
new surgeons
to your facility,
how do you know
which docs to tar-
get? A trade secret
I don't mind shar-
ing: Ask your
equipment or
instrument reps to find out which surgeons are happy where they're
currently performing surgery and which ones are looking for a
change. That's
absolutely the quick-
est and easiest place
to start your search.
Reps are often very
close with the sur-
geons they work with
and know who's look-
ing to move on to
greener pastures.
Stephen Earnhart
Earnhart &
Austin, Texas.
An Unlikely Ally in Attracting New Surgeons
Ask your vendor reps
which surgeons are
looking to make a move.