Ideas Work
2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6
e use a fluorescent light ( to conduct
weekly checks of how clean our OR surfaces are. Shining
the light on surfaces in darkened rooms reveals stains and
residue that staff have missed. We perform the inspections at the begin-
ning of the day, before a room has been entered, to assess the terminal
cleaning done the night before. By recording what we see in each area
of the room on an audit tool (download it at,
on which we note scores that range from 0 (no detection) to 5 (exces-
sive detection), we're able to track which areas need more attention
and note what actions we need to take to make sure staff focus on
spots they missed.
Nikki Williams, RN, CNOR
Lakeland (Fla.) Surgical
& Diagnostic Center
Shine a Light on Dirty ORs
• SPOT CHECK A fluorescent light reveals areas in the OR that your cleaning crew missed.