1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6
ou might
have a pol-
icy that
bans cell phones
from the OR and
other patient-care
areas, but not
everybody follows
the rules, do they?
"Some obey and
others do not,"
says Karen
Walker, RN, direc-
tor of the Mid-
South Endoscopy
Center in
Columbia, Tenn.,
who often catches
staff carrying
phones in their
scrub pockets
when they're sup-
posed to keep
them in their purses or lockers and only use them at break times and
at lunch. She's hardly alone. Nearly three-fourths (72%) of the 410
respondents to last month's Outpatient Surgery poll say that their staff
bring their cell phones into the OR "often" (22%) or "very often" (50%).
Keep Your Staff's Cell Phones Out of the ORs
Ideas Work
P r a c t i c a l p e a r l s f r o m y o u r c o l l e a g u e s
• RESTRICTED AREA Do you require your staff to leave phones in their lockers at the beginning of the day?