Wanna Get Away?
Vacations do wonders for your soul. Why don't we take more of them?
y body
tells me
loud and
clear when it's time
to put down my
scalpel and take
some time off.
Twitching eyelids.
Painful canker sores
in my mouth.
Restless sleep.
Feeling blah. That's
when I know my cir-
cuits are overloaded and I need to get away.
Our family just returned from a wonderful week in Maine. My
biggest decision was whether to have the lobster roll or lobster
bisque. Eight days of rest, enjoying the outdoors and reconnecting to
family did wonders for my soul. Nature hikes and plenty of fresh air
were just what the doctor ordered to give my nervous system a break.
I spent precious time with my wife and daughters, and caught up on
important matters in their lives.
Ready to get away
In the days leading up to our getaway, I was edgier than a ferret on
espresso. Not only was I overcommitted in surgeries, but I'd also lost
my mojo for the vocation I truly love. It didn't help that the add-on
cases in my last week of work were monstrosities, including a knee
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Cutting Remarks
John D. Kelly IV, MD
• REST AND RELAXATION Dr. Kelly and his family enjoyed a week's vacation this summer in Maine.