o boost our infection pre-
vention program, we
recently purchased a UV
whole-room disinfection unit. To
improve its efficiency, we gave all
of our rooms a coat of white
paint. Some studies suggest that
bright white walls reflect the UV
rays better than dull or discolored
ones. If you're thinking of buying
a UV unit, make sure
to budget a little extra
for these room
upgrades so all of your
walls can be a pure,
bright white.
Jean Watling,
Bon Secours
Health System
Richmond, Va.
M A Y 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 1
Paint Your OR Walls
White to Better Reflect
UV Rays
• BRIGHT WHITE A quick coat of paint can make your UV dis-
infection units even more effective.