1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A Y 2 0 1 6
nything we can
do to keep kids
and relaxed con-
tributes to faster
recoveries. OR nurse
Joanne Zrate, RN,
came up with the idea
to use push cars to
transport pediatric
patients to the operat-
ing room. We were
fortunate to have ours
donated, but you can
purchase the pint-size
rides online from a big box toy retailer (osmag.net/J2sJUb). When
kids are ready for discharge, we give them a pair of sunglasses
and a sippy cup and then wheel them curbside to their family's
(adult-size) vehicle.
Geri Tusalem
UMass Memorial-HealthAlliance Hospital
Leominster, Mass.
A Joy Ride to Surgery
• IN THE FUN LANE Push cars are a neat way to transport kids to the OR.
The OR can be a scary place for any patient, let alone your pint-
sized ones. Check out these creative and fun ideas to ease kids'
anxieties before surgery. — Compiled by Daniel Cook
Put Your Pediatric Patients at Ease
Ideas Work