6 2 S U P P L E M E N T T O
cal site would be the
game-changer we were
looking for, but our expe-
rience with it has been
disappointing. What we
need is an extremely
long-acting numbing med-
icine that can be deliv-
ered at the surgical site
— something that lasts 3
or 4 days. I believe that
advancement is going to
come and there's little
doubt that the most excit-
ing developments in the
post-op pain control have
yet to be discovered.
Experience how PharMEDium
has redened ready to use
compounded sterile preparations.
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©2016 PharMEDium Services, LLC. All rights reserved. P10787
pharmedium.com | 1.800.523.7749 | @pharmedium
Pre!lled syringes from
PharMEDium require no
dilution, reconstitution or
complex calculations for
medication preparation.
compounded drug
preparations are also
delivered pre!lled in
many industry-leading
infusion devices.
4 FDA Registered 503B Outsourcing Facilities
Dr. Ranawat
du) is an associate pro-
fessor of orthopedic sur-
gery at Weill-Cornell
Medical College and a
joint replacement spe-
cialist at the Hospital of
Special Surgery in New
York, N.Y.
• SOFT TOUCH Effective pain management provides
comfort while keeping patients cognitively aware.