6 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E A U G U S T 2 0 1 6
ather than fighting tooth and nail for total hip and knee patients, a sur-
gery center and a hospital a mile apart from each other in St. Cloud,
Minn., are standing shoulder to shoulder. As you'll see, a spirit of close
cooperation rather than fierce competition could be the key to successful same-
day joint replacement programs.
"Market share is important, but it's also important to send a message that
we're not against each other, that we're supportive of patients having joint
replacement surgery wherever it's appropriate for them to have it done," says
Naomi Schneider, MBA, RN, ONC, section director of orthopedics at St. Cloud
Hospital. "My mindset is that working together is a win-win. Having a win-lose
mentality doesn't give the community what it needs."
Rising tide lifts all ships
Earlier this year, St. Cloud Hospital began sending hip and knee replacement
On Point
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
Joseph Nessler, MD,
believes surgery centers and
hospitals can partner to
meet a community's joint
replacement needs.
Teaming Up Over Total Joints
A hospital and an ASC discover collaboration beats competition.