A U G U S T 2 0 1 6 O U T P A T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T 3 1
nterested in starting a joint arthroplasty program, but aren't sure where
to begin? You might want to first consider unicompartmental knee
replacements, which are less invasive than total knees and often per-
formed on younger, healthier patients. Plus, replacing only the diseased
portion of the knee is now easier than ever thanks to patient-specific
implants, improved instrumentation and robot-assisted navigation. In fact,
Up and Running
With Uni Knees
Adding partial replacements is a great way to launch an
outpatient joint program. Kendal Gapinski | Associate Editor
Nurses and techs with
joint replacement
experience help
ensure procedures go
as smoothly and effi-
ciently as possible.