1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U l y 2 0 1 6
ur new system for pulling cases has saved a lot of time
and energy. Instead of piling supplies for the next day's
cases on carts — and sometimes having to spend consid-
erable time searching for the right cart — we now have individual
plastic bins for each case. We simply put the case supplies in the
bins and attach the preference cards to the outsides. It's a much
easier way to keep things straight.
Suzie Dellinger, RN
Magnolia Regional Health Center
Corinth, Miss.
Pull Cases in Plastic Bins, Not Case Carts
• PULL CASES Instead of using case carts, consider storing supplies for each case in plastic bins.
Ideas Work