from surface to sur-
face along the periop-
erative path. In the tra-
ditional patient-han-
dling model, care-
givers must move
patients 3 times:
• Upon arrival in the
OR, you transfer the
patient from a stretch-
er onto the OR table.
• After surgery, you transfer the patient back to the stretcher.
• At some point in recovery, you transfer the patient to a recliner.
All that lifting and moving not only takes time, but also increases the
risk of staff injuries and patient falls. Stretcher-chairs do away with
your transfer problems. They let you wheel patients from admission
to discharge on a single surface that morphs from chair to transport
stretcher to OR table to recovery recliner. With the push of a button
J U N E 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 3
Stretcher-Chairs for
Safer Patient Handling
Ready to transform your facility into a no-lift, no-trans-
fer environment? Kendal Gapinski Associate Editor
• SAFE PATIENT HANDLING Stretcher chairs transport and support patients from
admission to discharge on a single surface.