many state licensing laws prohibit these arrangements, says Mr. Sokol.
"To pursue this shared ASC space model, duel licensure by the applica-
ble state for a single facility must be allowed."
Only ASCs can enter into shared arrangements, says Mr. Sokol, who
points out that hospital outpatient surgery department rules prohibit
the sharing of the same physical space.
While the timeshare model has strong support from some, others
warn that it is burdensome (see "Stringent Condo Rules") and fraught
with risk management and compliance headaches.
"Dual-licensed facilities provide new areas of potential growth, but
also have the potential to present some unique legal, regulatory and
clinical risks," says anesthesiologist David Shapiro, MD, the former
president of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association. "However,
all of these issues are eminently manageable and, when successfully
addressed, these arrangements can absolutely be implemented to pro-
vide a high level of patient care and patient satisfaction."
Mr. Cook ( is Outpatient Surgery's executive
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