was nervous
the day we
made the big
switch to all
gloves in our operat-
ing rooms. We'd been
planning and research-
ing for some time, but
on the Monday morn-
ing that the big
changeover went into effect, I found myself waiting for the barbarians
at the gate to explode out of the OR and hunt me down. Then some-
thing amazing happened: nothing. No complaints. No threats of
J U N E 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 9
We made the
switch years ago,
and have never
looked back.
Robert Brown, MD, MPH
Baltimore, Md.
How We Got Rid of
Latex Gloves
Once and for All
• UP TO THE CHALLENGE The surgeons who perform microscopic surgeries at
Johns Hopkins are perfectly content with the feel of non-latex gloves.