Fortimedix Surgical
FIMX 314 Surgical Platform
The things we love
about surgical robot-
ics can also be
accomplished with
laparoscopy, espe-
cially when we have
articulating instru-
ments. This low-pro-
file single-port plat-
form lets you emu-
late conventional
laparoscopy through
a 15 mm umbilical
incision. The system,
compatible with
standard trocars, fea-
tures mechanical
arms that hold a pair
of 5 mm articulated
tools to allow trian-
gulation and range of
motion with laparoscopic hand movements. In addition to the 2
instruments, the multiple-use introducer also simultaneously
accommodates a 5 mm scope and a 3 mm suction-irrigation
device. It's easy to use, and the angle it works at doesn't obstruct
your technique. But it only has 4 access lumens, which limits your
flexibility to use all the tools you typically need during a case. If
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