1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U N E 2 0 1 6
ver taken a close look at the rolls of surgical adhesive tape
your nurses carry around to secure patients' dressings? Pretty
disgusting, right? The sticky sides collect lint and hair and
who knows what other contaminants as they travel from case to case,
and even from facility to facility, in their scrub pockets or hanging
from their stethoscopes. But it's hardly cost-effective to make every
roll of tape a single-use roll. So, after reading an AORN Journal exam-
ination of the infection risks of reusing rolls, we conducted our own
Why Your Nurses Shouldn't Carry Tape on Their Person
• CULTURE OF SAFETY If your nurses carry around sticky tape rolls, what else are they carrying around?
Ideas Work