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Product News
G r e a t i d e a s f o r y o u r O R
Decolonize Patients' Noses With Swabs
How about using povidone-iodine nasal swabs to decolonize patients'
noses instead of costly antibiotics that may contribute to bacterial
resistance? Pre-saturated swabs from Clorox kill up to 99.4% of
Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of surgical site infections,
says the company. While some methods of nasal decolonization can
require patients to apply an antibiotic ointment for up to 5 days pre-
operatively, Clorox Nasal Antiseptic Swabs are easy to use. You sim-
ply swab the patient 1 hour before surgery with the 4 ready-to-use
swabs contained in the kit.