J U N E 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 3
or years the first case of the day at our busy endoscopy center
rarely started on time, but a simple tweak to the staffing
schedule helped cure the problem. We have a nurse and a tech
arrive 15 minutes before everyone else. They confirm that the day's
case schedule is printed out and posted at the nurses station, and
place endoscopes at the bedsides. They also turn on all the comput-
ers, making sure updates are complete (how often have you waited
anxiously for those to run and run and run?), and turn on video tow-
ers in the procedures rooms. Now everything is set and ready to go as
soon as the rest of the team arrives.
Helen Lowenwirth, MBA, CASC
East Side Endoscopy
New York, N.Y.
Startup Crew Eliminates First-Case Delays
• EARLY BIRDS Certified endoscopy tech Abigail Gramonte (left) and Jie Liu, RN, switch on computers and towers before the day begins.