Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/685863
7 2 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E J U N E 2 0 1 6 D onna Nucci, RN, CIC, MS, has spent years assessing the best ways to prevent surgical site infections. At OR Excellence, she'll put attendees through the paces with an interactive and informative boot camp on best practices in hand hygiene, endoscope repro- cessing, medication injec- tion practices and more. During her "How to Avoid an Infection Control Disaster" workshop, Ms. Nucci will tailor the presen- tation to the concerns of those in attendance. "We're going to have a con- versation," she says. "I want to know the specif- ic issues attendees are facing, and come up with effective ways to solve them." • Understanding the dangers. I developed a Avoid Infection Control Disasters Expert-led workshop tackles hot-button issues in SSI prevention. Special ORX Workshop • Working as a nurse for 25 years provided her with knowledge of infection control challenges in multi- ple practice settings. • Consulted with APIC to implement the infection prevention- ist competency model at surgical facilities. • Provides on-site and remote mentorship for new infection preventionists. Donna Nucci, RN, CIC, MS Speaker Profile comprehensive risk assess- ment tool with the epidemi- ologist at my hospital that can be used as an annual assessment. It defines risk in 8 areas, including the types of patients you care for, the kinds of surgeries you per- form and your geographical area. If you're doing colono- scopies, is there really a risk that you're exposing patients to C. diff? How much bioburden will accumulate if you don't have the right tools to clean your cannulated instruments? The risk assess- ment tool answers those questions. • Focus on riskiest areas. Facility leaders might think their problems lie in one area, but the risk assessment tool might prove other more urgent issues need corrective action. By using the tool, administrators can identify the projects they truly need to focus on in order to lower infection risks.