Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Battle Post-op Pain Without Opioids - April 2016 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 58 of 122

7. They can save money. They don't always, of course, but by decreasing waste caused by excess quantity in traditional vials, and reducing soft costs — like nursing time and anesthesia time — pre-filled meds often turn out to be less expensive overall. And on occasion they're less expensive, regardless of whether you consider waste and time factors. 8. They can help mitigate supply-chain issues. Some compounders are able to guarantee reserve supplies for their clients when shortages occur. 9. They promote environmental stewardship. By cutting down on incinerat- ed drug waste, pre-filled syringes reduce greenhouse gases and envi- ronmental pollution. 10. They improve compliance. Many accreditation bodies recognize the added safety of single-use pre-filled syringes. Facilities that use them are less likely to be cited for non-compliance with labeling standards (date drawn, preparer's initials, etc.) or sub-optimal practice stan- dards (like risking using single-use vials for multiple patients). 11. They eliminate billing fraud. You can't accidentally charge 2 patients for a drug that was drawn from a single vial, which is fraud, plain and simple. 12. They improve staff safety. Pre-filled syringes are a needle-free sys- tem. That means fewer accidental needlesticks when preparing med- ications. Not perfect Of course there are some minor disadvantages, too. As noted, pre- filled, pre-packaged drugs can be more expensive, even when you A P R I L 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 5 9

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