Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/662668
HYATT REGENCY COCONUT POINT Bonita Springs, Florida October 12-14, 2016 • www.orexcellence.com 1 Why and How to Post Your Prices Online It'll soon be the norm for surgical facilities of all kinds to post their all-inclusive prices for various procedures online. It's called price transparency, and it's a mega-trend impacting the business of surgery in a major way. This workshop will show you step-by- step how to do it and what it could mean for your facility. You'll hear from healthcare commentator and renowned Johns Hopkins surgeon Marty Makary, MD, who has studied price transparency and will explain the positive impacts on surgical facilities that have posted their prices online. Jerry Hadlock, CRNA, the director of anesthesia at St. George (Utah) Surgical Center, explains how he retrofitted his facility website himself. Plus, you'll hear the visions of 3 physicians who've built commercial price transparency platforms. Marty Makary, MD, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., Jerry Hadlock, CRNA, St. George (Utah) Surgical Center 2 Build a World-Class Outpatient Total Joints Program Total joint replacement is far and away surgery's hottest, most in-demand specialty. Nearly a million patients undergo same-day knee and hip procedures in the United States each year, and by 2030, that number will triple. Whether you're in an ASC or an acute-care facility, this advanced course will show you how to build a successful same-day total joint program from the ground up. You'll learn about patient selection, surgical techniques, pain control, home care, reimbursement and more from Dr. Stoeckl and members of his surgical team. Andrew Stoeckl, MD, Excelsior Orthopaedics, Amherst, N.Y., Nicholas J. Violante, DO, Surgeon, David Uba, Chief Executive Officer 3 How to Perfect Your Central Sterile Supply Dept. They happen every day. Failures in instrument decontamination or sterilization, wet packs, instrument sets that are late for the case. By creating an environment that promotes safety, accountability and collaboration, you can mitigate failure and optimize innovation that improves the delivery of safe and effective care. Here's how to better understand your central sterile department and make it run more smoothly. David Taylor, MSN, RN, CNOR, Methodist Hospital, San Antonio, Texas, Donna Nucci, RN, CIC, MS, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Conn. 4 25 Creative Cost-Saving Solutions The medical director and chief of anesthesia at a surgery center, who knows where every penny goes in his facility, shares his best advice on how to cut costs without sacrificing quality or compromising patient care. Thomas Durick, MD, Bay Surgery Center, Oakland, Calif. 5 How to Transform Your Facility into a "High Reliability" Organization Human error is inevitable — it's part of how the mind works. We can't change that, but we can correct for it, before error ever has a chance to harm patients. It's called "High Reliability." Here's how it works. Former Coast Guard pilot and safety officer Spence Byrum, who has spent nearly 25 years in the fields of safety and process improvement, tells you the keys to eliminating avoidable errors. Spence Byrum, HRS (High Reliability Solutions) Consulting, Weston, Fla. 6 How to Avoid an Infection Control Disaster Operating rooms and sterile processing departments are the new ground zero in the fight against dangerous and sometimes deadly healthcare-acquired infections. They're also where unwanted national headlines are being made. In this interactive training session, infection preventionist Donna Nucci, RN, CIC, MS, discusses hot topics in SSI prevention bundles, endoscope reprocessing best practice updates as well as the additional challenges in the procedure area. She'll also touch on compliance in surgical attire, safe injection practices, preventing cross-contamination and hand hygiene. You won't want to miss this infection prevention boot camp. Donna Nucci, RN, CIC, MS, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Conn. To learn more or to register, see our full syllabus in this issue, or visit us at www.orexcellence.com HYATT REGENCY COCONUT POINT Bonita Springs, Florida / October 12-14, 2016 888-YOUR-ORX / www.orexcellence.com Sponsored by You're Going to Love This Meeting! • What if a Killer Walked Into Your Facility? • Get Ready for Surgical Price Transparency • A Hurricane and Hard Choices: 5 Days at Memorial Hospital • And much more...see inside! Victory! Nia Wright, MSN, RN, celebrates at the 2015 ORX Tournament of Champions 6 WORKSHOPS THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR OR 5 6 4 3 1 2