s patients
move through-
out your facili-
ty on the day of their
procedures, the paper-
work can really add up.
We had a problem with
our patients leaving
copies of their paper-
work throughout the
facility, such as in the
lobby, restrooms or
dressing room. This
created a privacy
issue. Now we store
each patient's chart in
a manila envelope. We
place all copies of the
patient's paperwork in
the envelope and then
give it to the patient at
the time of discharge.
Dawn Caridi, RN
Florida Endoscopy
& Surgery Center
Brooksville, Fla.
A P R I L 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 5
Store Patients' Paperwork in a Manila Envelope
• SAFE AND SECURE Store your
patients' paperwork in a manila
envelope so nothing goes missing.