A P R I L 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 6 7
ho better to ask how to ace an accreditation
survey than the surveyors themselves? That's
right, we went right to the source, interviewing
4 surveyors to find out their top tips for making
the survey process run more smoothly for them
and for you. As you'll see, there's much more to a successful sur-
vey than having all of your documentation in order.
1. Know why you're being surveyed
Seems elementary, but know what type of survey you're having.
Is it Medicare deemed status, re-accreditation or a first-time sur-
vey? Each has its own process and set of standards, so prep
accordingly. For example, an early-option survey is for newly
10 Insider Tips to Ace Your Next
Accreditation Survey
There's more to prepping for your survey than just memorizing standards.
Kendal Gapinski
Associate Editor
• SURVEY SUCCESS Study the accreditation standards ahead of time and ensure you have a policy in place for each one.