Less than a year after it launched the device
poised to one day replace anesthesiologists,
Ethicon abruptly pulled the plug on Sedasys,
a computer-assisted device that administers
propofol via intravenous IV infusion.
An anesthesiologist at a Connecticut
surgery center is accused of failing to
respond to a respiratory and cardiac
emergency, costing Katherine O'Donnell,
a healthy 29-year-old woman who was
undergoing sinus surgery, her life.
An Iowa health system that suffered from 4 wrong-site surgeries in
40 days says ineffective time outs were to blame.
The U.S. Senate is starting to scrutinize hospitals that let their
surgeons run 2 rooms simultaneously, a practice known as
double-booking. osmag.net/JaNW9d
A Dallas, Texas, anesthesiologist who
submitted more than $10 million
worth of bogus claims to payers may
be spending up to 70 years in prison
for defrauding several big insurance
companies. osmag.net/x3YVNf
Letting CRNAs deliver
anesthesia without
physician supervision
doesn't necessarily
improve patients'
access to anesthesia
care, according to a
new study.
Olympus Corp. of the Americas went to
great lengths to sway doctors and hospi-
tals to buy its endoscopes, including send-
ing customers on lavish vacations and provid-
ing free devices, say federal prosecutors in
announcing a $600 million settlement with the
company. osmag.net/9AfVsP
Are you committing any of these
5 common infection-prevention
pitfalls? osmag.net/hE9QNx
In a new TED talk, a nursing
expert shares how the profession's hierarchical culture can
devalue and shame caregivers, leading to more mis-
takes. osmag.net/UWMd3s
A new report investigates the pain and lawsuits that
followed a rash of surgical fires in the Washington
D.C., area. osmag.net/nGUuZ6
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