Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Why Can't He Eat or Drink After Midnight? - March 2016 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 81 of 160

skin. But when we look globally, hand hygiene compliance is a big one, as is disinfection of endo- scopes, especially with the recent duodenoscope problems. Environmental cleaning and disinfection are also top concerns. What can facilities do to improve their hand hygiene compliance? Ms. Hohenberger: We have to come back to basics and make sure that we're con- sistently performing hand hygiene at all of the 5 moments (before touch- ing a patient, before a procedure, after a proce- dure, after touching a patient and after touching a patient's surround- ings), whether it's using soap and water or an alcohol hand rub. Hand hygiene is the No. 1 way to stop the spread of disease, whether it's in the hospital acute care or outpatient environment. It's a universal first line of defense. Ms. Nucci: Time and time again, studies show that it's all about opportu- nity. You have to make things easy and error-proof for healthcare workers who are already being pulled in 7 different directions. I work 8 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 6 • MISSED SPOTS To ensure high-touch areas are cleaned between cases, TRIA Orthopaedic Center swabs and tests surfaces for ATP, a protein found in bioburden. Lori Groven, RN, BSN, MSPHN, CIC

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