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M A R C H 2 0 1 6 | O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
o any of these troublemakers sound familiar? The gossiper who
spreads rumors to anyone who'll listen. The dynamic, divisive
RN who's looked up to by her co-workers and takes charge
from behind the scenes. The chronic complainer who's never happy and
wants to makes sure everyone on the staff feels the same. The instigator
who starts conflicts and has a knack for planting seeds of discontent.
How you deal with those challenging workers can make or break you as
a leader. Let's look at how to quickly defuse destructive staff behavior
before it becomes a major problem.
Stay connected
You may not be aware of an issue with any one employee, even if
her constant drama is affecting your entire staff. By the time the prob-
lem reaches your desk, it's already likely caused a severe morale prob-
Deal With Difficult Employees Head On
If you can't curb their bad behavior, get rid of the offenders.
• TROUBLE BREWING How will you deal with staff who gossip and spread rumors? Everybody's watching to see what you will do.