2 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 6
nesthesia providers love laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), but
they can disagree about the best time to remove supraglottic
airway devices from patients. There are two camps: those who
think patients should still be "deep" during removal and those who
think they should be fully awake. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of the 305
readers Outpatient Surgery polled last month remove LMAs before
the patient emerges. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages
of both approaches.
Removing LMAs in awake patients
Those who prefer to remove the LMA after the patient's awake believe
there should be minimal manipulation of the LMA until the patient's
The Great LMA Debate
Should you remove it before or after the patient wakes up?
Anesthesia Alert
Perry V. Ruspantine, CRNA, APRN
• PROS AND CONS Some say wait until the patient's
reflexes have returned to remove the LMA. Others say
don't wait, extubate: Patients will be ready to move sooner.