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M A R C H 2 0 1 6 | O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
Editor-in-Chief Dan O'Connor | doconnor@outpatientsurgery.net
Executive Editor Daniel Cook | dcook@outpatientsurgery.net
Art Director Ethan Anderson | eanderson@outpatientsurgery.net
Senior Associate Editor David Bernard | dbernard@outpatientsurgery.net
Associate Editor Jim Burger | jburger@outpatientsurgery.net
Associate Editor Kendal Gapinski | kgapinski@outpatientsurgery.net
Pamela Bevelhymer, RN, BSN | pamelavit@gmail.com
Publisher Stan Herrin | sherrin@outpatientsurgery.net
Vice President of Sales Michael Woodhull | mwoodhull@outpatientsurgery.net
Account Manager Chad Kemplin | ckemplin@outpatientsurgery.net
Account Manager Jim Boston | jboston@outpatientsurgery.net
Director of Marketing Stephen Archibald | sarchibald@outpatientsurgery.net
Webmaster Brian Willison | webmaster@outpatientsurgery.net
Interactive Media Manager Christine Reyes | creyes@outpatientsurgery.net
Production Manager Linda Moretti | lmoretti@outpatientsurgery.net
Director of Audience Development Bob Paes | rpaes@outpatientsurgery.net
Circulation Associate Margaret Lundien-Skinner | margarets@outpatientsurgery.net
Marlene Brunswick, RN, MSN, CNOR, RNFA | Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center, Toledo, Ohio
Nancy Burden, RN | BayCare Health System, Tampa, Fla.
Gregory P. DeConciliis, PA-C | Boston Out-Patient Surgical Suites, Waltham, Mass.
Vangie Dennis, RN, BSN, CNOR, CMLSO | ASC Emory Health System, Atlanta, Ga.
John F. Dombrowski, MD, PC | Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C.
Lynda Dowman Simon, RN | St. John's Clinic: Head & Neck Surgery, Springfield, Mo.
Eric Donnenfeld, MD | NYU Medical Center, New York, N.Y.
Pamela J. Ertel, RN, BSN, CNOR, RNFA | SurgiCenter at Spring Ridge, Wyomissing, Pa.
Ann Geier, RN, MSN, CNOR | Source Medical, Charleston, S.C.
C. David Geier Jr., MD | Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C.
Barbara Ann Harmer, RN, BSN, MHA | MedAssist Consultants, Gainesville, Fla.
Jay Horowitz, CRNA | Quality Anesthesia Care Corp., Sarasota, Fla.
Jeffrey Katz, MD | Northwestern University Hospital, Chicago, Ill.
Robert Kershner, MD, FACS | Eye Laser Consulting, Boston, Mass.
David B. Renton, MD, MPH | Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio
Margaret Sherman, RN, BSN | Hamilton Endoscopy & Surgery Center, Hamilton, N.J.
Ashish Sinha, MD, PhD | Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa.
Donna Smith, MT (ASCP), CASC | Nexus Surgical Partners, Macon, Ga.
Sheldon S. Sones, RPh, FASCP | Centre for Medication Safety, Newington, Conn.
Mary Wilson, RN, BSN, CNOR | West Virginia University Hospitals, Morgantown, W.Va.
Dawn Yost, RN, BSN, CNOR | West Virginia University Hospitals, Morgantown, W.Va.
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Ashish C. Sinha, MD, PhD, DABA, MBA
Addiction & Abuse:
Medicine's Dirty Little Secret
Substance abuse is rampant, and the medical com-
munity is especially vulnerable. In our recent poll,
almost 80% of respondents said they knew col-
leagues who'd battled alcoholism or drug addiction.
Ashish C. Sinha, MD, PhD, DABA, MBA, associate
professor of anesthesiology at Drexel University
College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pa., will
explore the problem and explain how you can help a
colleague break the grip of addiction. Register now
at orexcellence.com to see Dr. Sinha and our
other great speakers, Oct. 12-14 at the Hyatt
Regency Coconut Point in Bonita Springs, Fla.