One facility administrator warns of a potential drawback to adding
mobile direct-to-drain units. "Don't make the investment unless you
have enormous OR space," says Cyndy Harting, MS, RN, CNOR, interim
director of surgical services at MetroSouth Medical Center in Blue
Island, Ill. "They take up a lot of room for the purpose they serve." She
instead backs the use of wall-mounted systems that evacuate suction
containers and empty the contents directly to a drain.
Ms. Brunswick's portable units can accommodate up to 4 tubes con-
nected to various fluid-capture devices, such as the collection pouch at
the surgical site, the arthroscopic shaver, floor-wicking devices or floor
suction mats. One-third of the survey's respondents use floor-aspirating
devices and one-half use disposable suction mats and strips to capture
fluid that flows off the drapes. Floor collection devices work well, but
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