1 2 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 6
Nearly two-thirds (64%) of the 188 surgical facilities leaders we surveyed last month are using
automated fluid waste disposal systems. Our survey also found that the method you choose for
fluid waste management is often driven by your budget, but staff safety impacts this choice
more so than any other factor. — Daniel Cook
Which fluid disposal method is used most often at your facility?
Portable suction unit, then docking to drain 64%
Solidifying, then discarding with red bag waste 17.5%
Manual dumping of suction canisters 9.5%
Stationary, direct-to-drain system 4%
Closed, direct-to-drain room suction system 5%
Which factor most influenced your primary fluid waste management method?
Staff safety 62%
Economy 14.5%
Ease of use 13%
Efficiency 9%
The environment 1.5%
Which floor-based fluid management
options do you use?*
Suction mats and strips 51%
Towels, blankets or linens 47%
Floor aspiration devices 37%
* Respondents could select more than one option
SOURCE: Outpatient Surgery Magazine online survey, February 2016, n=188
Nearly Two-Thirds Choose Portable Suction Units