M A R C H 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 5
ou grab a heated blan-
ket out of your warm-
ing cabinet and drape
it on your patient
without much
thought. But there's a lot you
might not realize about blanket
warmers. What's the maximum
blanket warmer temperature?
Can warmed blankets burn a
patient? Can you store fluids in
the warming cabinet section?
Give your staff this 8-question quiz to test their knowledge.
1. What is the suggested maximum temperature for the blanket section of your
warming cabinets?
a. 100°F c. 130°F
b. 120°F d. 200°F
Answer: c
Take Our Blanket Warmers Quiz
Bonus points if you know the
recommended maximum
temperature for warming
cabinets, and if warmed
blankets can burn a patient.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
• WARM WELCOME The direct benefit of a warmed blanket lasts
for only a few minutes, but it can improve a patient's comfort and
sense of well-being for much longer.