Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Why Can't He Eat or Drink After Midnight? - March 2016 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 101 of 160

about 200 containers. We are not alone in using rigid container sys- tems more often than not. As you can see in "Blue Wrap or Sterile Containers?" on page 66, more than half (54%) of the 255 readers Outpatient Surgery Magazine surveyed last month place their ster- ile packs in contain- ers at least 50% of the time. Torn-wrapper syndrome Besides efficiency and eliminating the use of towels, tape and wrap, our primary reason for switching to contain- ers was to avoid "torn- wrapper syndrome." In the last few years, the instrument sets we reprocess have super- sized. They've gotten heavier, bigger and sharper — especially the orthopedic equip- ment we primarily handle. Gone are the trays with soft edges that were easy to wrap. Now it's heavy sets with jagged edges. 1 0 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 6 Sometimes it's what you don't see that matters. Invest in the Best. 7625 Paragon Road, Centerville OH 937.619.0138 • iststerilization.com S e a l e d S t e r i l i z a t i o n C o n t a i n e r ® DURABLE EFFICIENT SAFE SECURE ONE TRAY ® sealed sterilization containers are engineered for long term consistent performance, that's backed by a Lifetime Guarantee, ensuring that every ONE TRAY ® container is utilized at its optimal performance. ONE TRAY ® 's speed in terminal sterilization (20 minutes Autoclave door close to door open, total time) allows quick reactions to SPD and OR needs saving YLWDOWLPHDQGUHVRXUFHV(IÀFLHQF\HTXDWHVWRORZHU sterilization costs compared to all other sterilization technologies. ONE TRAY ® is rigorously tested for the highest quality and performance validations in the industry. The ONE TRAY ® V\VWHPLVDVHDOHGÀOWHUHGYHQW sterilization container, FDA cleared to achieve a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 with an event related shelf life. "YOUR patients deserve a container YOU can count on."

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