Greater Suction Promotes
Faster Wound Healing
Developed by Greer Medical,
Inc, the Sapphire Suction
Reservoir™ is a best-in-class
100cc silicone reservoir for a
wide variety of post-opera-
tive drainage procedures
where continuous drainage
against gravity is necessary.
Closed system drainage
reduces the possibility of fluid
contamination and allows easy
visual examination of the contents
by patient and physician.
Because the Sapphire Suction Reservoir™ contains
more silicone resin than other reservoirs, it provides up
to 50% greater negative pressure than leading brands.
Greater suction promotes faster wound healing.
The Sapphire incorporates an anti-reflux valve to help
prevent fluid reflux, and unlike other suction bulbs, it
has a strap with a stainless steel clip, which allows it to
conveniently attach to the patient's gown.
For more information call
(805) 962-5883,
or use the reader service card
on p. 4.
P r o d u c t & S e r v i c e s S h o w c a s e
6 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6
circuitGuardTM is indicated as an alternative to
decontamination of the anesthesia circuit and equip-
ment. It protects the anesthesia circuit from contami -
nation by the patient, and the patient from contamina-
tion by the circuit and other anesthetic equipment (cir-
cle absorber, dome valves, ventilator, etc.). The CO
port on the machine side of the filter protects the lines
going to the gas monitor ing device from contamination
by the patient as well. circuitGuardTM is a bi-direction-
al viral/bacterial filter designed without failure points.
We do not use glue or ultrasonic welding to seal. The
filter media is an integral part of the compression fit
between the two halves of the device. The resulting
unitized con struction does not allow gas to bypass the
filter media. Save Time, Money and Space. Available
through MedAssets.
For more, call
(800) 950-2720 x272 (voice mail),
visit or
use the reader service card on p. 4.
The Difference is in the Design
Blickman's proven line of Blanket Warming Cabinets
can enhance your patient warming modality. Featuring:
• Temperatures Remain within +/- 1° of Set Point
• Hands-Free Operation
• Self-Closing Doors
• Digital Displays with Auto Tune to Set Temperature
• Backed by Blickman's Lifetime Limited Warranty
Some Things are Made to Last: For more than 100 years,
customers have relied on Blickman for long-lasting, safe
equipment. Join our FREE Diamond Club for exclusive
member offers and save instantly up to $500 with free
shipping on all Blanket Warming Cabinet orders placed
now through March 31, 2016. Email
to join today.
For more information call
(800) 247-5070,
visit or
use the reader service card on p. 4.