torques, and therefore were reserved for shorter, smaller cases. Now,
lithium-ion batteries have much longer lives and can deliver the same
results as their tethered counterparts. Cordless options also come
with a few added benefits. They remove the tripping hazard of the
cord, as well as reduce the risk of compromising sterility as the cord
moves in and out of the surgical field.
Batteries still lose their charge over time, though, especially with
repeated reprocessing. Question your vendor about the durability of
the battery when exposed to repeated sterilization. You might also
want to consider stocking several of the batteries. At our facility, we
always have backups available so if one dies during a case while
another is being reprocessed, we can switch it out and continue the
case with little delay.
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 6 9
Dr. Pill ( is an
orthopedic surgeon at OrthoCarolina-Winston in Winston-Salem, N.C.