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Do Your Surgeons and Coders Work in Sync?
Tips to get your docs engaged with the business side of surgery.
ost sur-
make no
secret that coding,
billing and entering
their notes into an
electronic record
are at the bottom of
their priority list,
because — natural-
ly — patient care is
at the top. But just
because surgeons
would rather care
for patients than push papers doesn't excuse them from providing
the documentation your coders need to bill procedures correctly
and compliantly. If your surgeons' eyes glaze over anytime you
mention coding and billing, here are 7 tips to get them to be more
engaged with the business side of surgery.
Never ambush your docs with surprise demands
If you're starting a new policy stating that op reports must be
turned in within 24 hours of the procedure, instead of 48 hours,
make it a point to schedule a meeting with the surgeons to explain
the new demand and why the change is necessary. Stress that
you'll receive quicker reimbursements if your coders can get
Coding & Billing
Harry Lessinger, RHIA, CCS-P
• ENGAGEMENT Whether you're discussing a new protocol for op notes or clarifying a
claim, involve your docs in your coding and billing process.