ooking for a way to cut implant costs and prevent new
and expensive devices from entering your OR with little
oversight? Try going repless. More facilities are buying
implants straight from the manufacturer to remove ven-
dor reps from the equation. Eliminating the middleman
saves you money and gives your staff ownership in maximizing the
profits of your joint replacement procedures.
Why go repless?
A large part of an implant's total expense — an industry insider says it
can be as high as 60% — goes to the service and support provided by
the vendor rep. This support includes everything from helping to pre-
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Is the Repless Model for You?
• EXPENSIVE ADDITION More than half of an implant's total cost goes to the service and support provided by the vendor rep.
Inside the trend that promises to cut implant costs and limit vendor
influence in the OR. Kendal Gapinski | Associate Editor