f you want to run a successful
outpatient total joint program,
identify patients who can with-
stand the physical rigors of the procedures and show up
believing they'll be ready to leave your facility soon after sur-
gery ends. "Patient selection encompasses everything — motivation,
health history, home support, insurance," says James T. Caillouette,
MD, an orthopedic surgeon at Newport Orthopedic Institute in
Newport Beach, Calif. He and other experts recommended you assess
the following key factors when selecting patients for same-day arthro-
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 7
Patient Selection
Who Are the Best Candidates for
Same-Day Joints?
Set a foundation for success by selecting suitable patients.
Kendal Gapinski
Associate Editor