2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
4 CMS's Bundled Payments Offer False Hope
Medicare's laudable efforts to
control expenses won't do nearly enough.
Francois de Brantes, MS, MBA
8 It's Time to Add Outpatient Total Joints
Advancements in surgical technology and pain
management usher in same-day joint replacement.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
17 Who Are the Best Candidates
For Same-Day Joints?
Set a foundation for success
by selecting suitable patients.
Kendal Gapinski | Associate Editor
23 5 Ways to Control Post-Op Pain
Effective pain management will set
your joint replacement program apart.
Stephen Kayiaros, MD, David A. Harwood, MD,
and Dean Giacobbe, MD
30 Lower the Risk of Joint Infections
5 infection prevention strategies
to prevent SSIs in at-risk patients.
William J. Peace, MD, FAAOS
36 Equipping Your Total Joints OR
How to furnish your room in style — from the
equipment to the instruments to the supplies.
Kate Gillespie, MBA, RN, NE-BC,
and Carol Childress, RN, BSN, CNOR
47 The Case for Robotic-Assisted
Total Knee Replacement
Incredible precision levels the playing field among
surgeons and improves long-term outcomes.
James Bates, MD
54 Understanding Your Implant Options
What you need to know before sifting through
the countless versions of hip and knee hardware.
Paul A. Manner, MD, FRCSC
60 Is the Repless Model for You?
Inside the trend that promises to cut implant
costs and limit vendor influence in the OR.
Kendal Gapinski | Associate Editor
65 Safe at Home
Ensuring rehab goes smoothly in the weeks after
surgery is the final piece of the patient care puzzle.
Gary A. Levengood, MD
72 Reimbursement, Robots
and Patient Selection
Q&A with Sharat Kusuma, MD, joint replacement
specialist and surgical consultant.
To Our Readers
Patients who used to be laid up for days after joint replacement surgery are now heading
home hours after surgery, thanks to innovations in operative techniques, implants, anesthesia
care and pain control. Are you prepared to capitalize on the same-day evolution? We hope the tips and advice in the Manager's Guide to
Joint Replacement prove useful if you're thinking of launching a joint program or want to improve the management and profitability of
the cases you're already hosting. Cover design by Ethan Anderson | Photo by John Hickey (Buffalo News)
Joint Replacement
Manager's Guide to
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 w w w . o u t p a t i e n t s u r g e r y . n e t