What a Ride It's Been for Nurse Nancy Burden
Looking back on the author of the pink bible's remarkable career.
hen I start-
ed here at
the maga-
zine more than 13
years ago, a stranger
in a strange land who
didn't know an ASC
from a HOPD, I was
given the names of a
few administrators to
reach out to, folks
who might be helpful
in getting me up to
speed. Nancy Burden,
MS, RN, CPAN, was
tops on the list. She's
on the editorial board,
they told me. Has built
a few surgery centers
from the ground up.
Wrote a textbook that covers the special needs of the same-day surgi-
cal patient, Ambulatory Surgical Nursing. Oh, and she's one of the
nice ones.
Nancy's been a friend of the magazine ever since. She's done it all for
us: written articles, suggested authors, spoken at our OR Excellence
Conference and helped us plan our editorial calendar. In 2005, she
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Editor's Page
Dan O'Connor
• AT THE PODIUM Nancy Burden, MS, RN, CPAN, at last year's
OR Excellence Conference.