6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
Fair and Equal Pay?
As your level of responsibility rises,
your paycheck should keep pace.
David Bernard | Senior Associate Editor
54 How Would You Handle
These Real-Life Emergencies?
Preparing for the unthinkable in your facility.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
65 5 Ways to Make Your
ORs Safe and Comfortable
Keep your surgical teams happy
and healthy with these ergonomic products.
Kendal Gapinski | Associate Editor
69 Your Guide to Enzymatic Cleaners
A quick introduction to the science
behind these bioburden-busters.
Peter Daigle
75 Strategies to Prevent Retained Objects
What you can do to ensure
that nothing's left behind.
Camille L. Harlan, RN, JD
81 Innovations in Surgical Imaging
National experts discuss the eye-popping
images on display in today's ORs and
what surgery might look like in the near future.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
93 No More Dirty Duodenoscopes
Recent superbug outbreaks have hammered
home the importance of proper manual cleaning.
Chris Lavanchy
100 The New World of Drug Compounding
New regulations have improved safety, but some
key distinctions are both subtle and important.
John Karwoski, RPh, MBA
108 What Eye Docs Want
In a Laser Cataract System
If you're in the market for a laser cataract
platform, here's what to look for.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
January 2016 • Vol. XVII, No. 1