s your paycheck keeping pace with
your expanding job responsibilities? That's
the question we asked in this year's
Outpatient Surgery Salary Survey. The
answer might not surprise you: Your
salary is lagging a bit behind the work you do.
According to our survey, your 2015 salary aver-
aged about $108,690 if you work in an ASC and
about $116,628 if you're reading this in a hospital. A
six-figure job is nothing to sneeze at, but our survey
found that surgical facility leader salaries were pret-
ty much flat compared to 2014 — you made a little
bit more or about the same as last year. All the while,
you're being asked to take on more duties and respon-
"Salaries are good," says one respondent, "but more
responsibilities are expected. Change is the constant!"
If you received a bonus — based on employment
longevity, the division of ASC profits, accreditation suc-
cess or quality score goals met — it was equivalent to
roughly 6% of your ASC salary or slightly less than 4% of
your hospital salary. However, twice as many hospital-based
respondents as ASC readers reported receiving no bonus pay-
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Fair and Equal Pay?
As your level of responsibility rises,
your paycheck should keep pace.
David Bernard | Senior Associate Editor