A Spreadsheet That Spits Out a Staffing Budget
It gives you an hours-per-case analysis and sets realistic staffing levels.
n surgery, staffing costs are your No. 1 or No. 2 expenditure, yet
the OR labor budget usually takes a back seat to supplies and
equipment. I've developed a spreadsheet to help you determine
whether you're over- or understaffed. As a special service to
Outpatient Surgery readers, the Excel worksheet we dissect on the
opposite page is programmed online to do the calculations for you.
Download the worksheet at outpatientsurgery.net/forms.
C re a ti n g st af f i ng m e t r ic s
Before plugging numbers into the "Staffing Hours Budget Worksheet,"
it helps to visualize and quantify staffing patterns. Make a schematic
drawing of your facility's pre- and post-op areas and ORs. Don't worry
about how it looks — it's simply a functional diagram intended to
show the locations of patient-care areas. Sit down with your clinical
managers and think about how many staff members are needed and
3 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
Dan Simonson, CRNA, MHPA
• CROWD CONTROL Use our online
worksheet to contain your staffing costs.