2 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
Ideas That Work
crub nurses need incredible dexterity and directional
control to assist in laparoscopic cases. To help them
develop their laparoscopic-assisting skills and build their
confidence in a non-stressful environment, our nurses practice
on the Operation board game you may have played as a kid.
This is a simple do-it-yourself project. Remove the top from a
cardboard box. Wrap the box in rubberized shelf liner to help the
trocars stay in place. For stability, place a few strips of black duct
tape on the underside of the box where you make the holes for
the trocars. Find an empty OR, lay the box over the Operation
game on an OR table, and you're ready to go.
Our OR supervisor serves as the doctor during the hour-long
training sessions, in which nurses try to pick up the game's tiny
Operation Board
Game Sharpens
Lap-Assisting Skills
• DEXTERITY The Operation board game lets nurses brush up on their laparoscopic-
assisting skills.