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App Lets Patients Plan and Price Surgery
Capitalizing on the healthcare pricing transparency trend, a San Francisco plastic surgeon has
created an app that gives surgery pricing information to prospective patients. BuildMyBod,
which can be incorporated into any physician or facility website, lets potential patients price out
the surgical services they're interested in — anything from rhinoplasty to rotator cuff surgery
(depending, of course, on your specialties). Patients see an anatomical figure on their screens,
read descriptions of available procedures and select those they might like to pursue. When
they're finished, they're immediately told what the all-inclusive, out-of-pocket charge would be
— but only after they've provided contact information. For insured patients, a disclaimer
explains that some fees may be covered, and that a follow-up consultation can determine full
specifics. Monthly fees of $99 to $249, based on facility size.
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