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Smoke Evacuators
Today's innovative devices evacuate surgical smoke right at the source.
our employees' lungs
should not be your
standard method of fil-
tering surgical smoke out of
the OR. But even though the
immediate unpleasantness and
long-term consequences of
inhaling plume are well
known, many nurses still have
to justify the need for smoke evacuators to their facilities' decision
makers. If you're seeking to implement safer surgical practices, the
following factors might help you make a compelling case for invest-
ment in smoke-free ORs.
• Economics of the effort. Bottom line: purchasing smoke evacuators is
less expensive than hiring and training new FTEs. A workplace safety
hazard cascades into staffing issues when surgical personnel suffer
smoke-related health problems and administrators are forced to fill in
the blanks. Counter physicians' objections to the equipment with edu-
cation on smoke's impact on those exposed to it all day.
• A cost-effective deal. In addition to the equipment's initial cost, remem-
ber to budget for the continuing expense of its filters, tubing and other
disposable supplies. Some manufacturers may offer deals in which the
evacuator is free with a contract to purchase its supplies. Purchasing
the supplies non-sterile, as a component of procedure packs for cases
that generate smoke, may also be possible.
1 3 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
Kay Ball, PhD, RN, CNOR, FAAN
• SMOKE-FREE The latest smoke evacuation devices are affordable, quiet and effective.