Challenging Surgery's Sacred Practices
w Re: "What's the Harm?"
(December, page 22). Thank you so
much for giving a voice to what most
OR nurses have thought for a long
time. AORN plays to special interest
groups to enact worthless regula-
tions. I do think some of what they
publish is worth the paper it's print-
ed on, but I also think that a lot is
I have never had an increased
infection rate because of the sur-
geons wearing scrubs in from
home or the office. It's tolerated
for them but not the nurses. Cloth
caps have never caused an infec-
tious outbreak that I know of and
probably never will. Shoes, I
could care less. We push equip-
ment into the OR with wheels that have been everywhere in the hospi-
tal. As far as I know, no one crawls on the ground to wipe the wheels
off. Many of the regulations are voodoo that someone has given cre-
dence to.
Cynthia Connelly, RN
Jefferson, N.C.
1 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
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"AORN recommendations
are based on the evidence,
but also benefits balanced
with harm to reduce risk
to the patient."