aser cataract surgery is expensive, both for the patients
who opt to pay out of pocket for the premium offering
and for the surgeons who invest in a laser. The laser
itself can cost $300,000 to $500,000, with additional costs
for using ($300 to $350 per case) and maintaining the
device. You'd think for that price, the laser would take the place of
manual cataract surgery. But it doesn't.
Phacoemulsification is still used to remove the cataract itself.
Instead, the laser assists in the removal of the cataract, performing
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What Eye Docs Want in a
Laser Cataract System
• COMMAND CENTER Michael Blair, MD, of the Ford Eye Center in Fort Worth, Texas, says his femtosecond laser system offers him guidance during laser-assisted cataract procedures.
If you're in the market for a laser cataract platform,
here's what to look for.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief