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O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
G r e a t i d e a s f o r y o u r O R
Track Your Loaner Instrument Trays
How do you track the loaner trays that enter and leave your facility? A handwritten
notebook, a simple sign-in sheet, or worse, nothing at all? Tray Check — a system that
digitally documents the comings and goings of all of your loaner trays — standardiz-
es the process so you won't be on the hook
for incomplete trays ever again. Tray Check
is a kiosk equipped with a workstation,
camera, printer and computer that uses a
web-based record system to track when
loaner trays are checked in and out of your
facility. The system places the responsibility
on the vendor — not you — for maintaining accurate records of pricey borrowed
Here's how it works. Place the kiosk where loaner trays are dropped off, typically
by central sterile processing. When a rep arrives at your facility with a loaner tray, he
goes to the kiosk, logs on and follows a 5-step check-in process. This includes
inputting the same info you currently track in that notebook — such as tray name,
surgeon and time — as well as other items you want to require, like which wing or
floor the tray is going to.
Tray Check photographs each layer of the tray using the kiosk's built-in 1080p HD
camera and prints an easy-to-read autoclavable label. When the rep comes back to
pick up the tray, he follows a similar checkout process. Tray Check's online system
stores all of this information, which lets you access the records from any computer in
the facility. You can sign into the system and view the chronological logs, equipment
photos and even organize the records according to vendor, so you can easily see
which ones are meeting deadlines. Additionally, you can set up customized notifica-
tions to get a text message or e-mail when loaner trays are moved in and out of your
This self-service kiosk tracks loaner
trays that enter and leave your facility.
Reps check in their own equipment,
taking responsibility off of your staff.