8 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5
y son Jake had just turned 19 and was scheduled to
undergo a septorhinoplasty revision to fully repair a devi-
ated septum. The first surgery went perfectly, so I arrived
at the surgery center where I used to work as a surgical
nurse thinking the second procedure would be routine.
My son was the anxious one. He worried about waking up during surgery or
even dying on the table. I reassured him. Nothing will happen. I promise.
But something did happen. About 45 minutes into surgery, Jake's CO
began to increase. His heart rate also started to rise and he became tachycardic.
The CRNA also noticed that his core body temperature began to rise and paged
the supervising anesthesiologist. Together they called the hotline of the
Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (800-644-9737) and the
expert who answered advised them to immediately begin the MH emergency
response protocol. It wasn't a drill. It was the real deal and my son is alive today
My son is alive today because the surgical team did
everything right.
Kim Scott, RN, MSN | Brainerd, Minn.
MH Drills
Can Be
A Real
Life Saver
z LIVING PROOF Jake Scott was
stricken during surgery, but early
recognition of MH's symptoms saved his life.