A Texas neurosurgeon whose botched procedures killed
and paralyzed numerous patients between 2011 and
2013 was denied a bail reduction after his July arrest,
based on an e-mail in which he vowed to "become a cold
blooded killer." osmag.net/PnEvY7
In an anonymously published
essay, the Annals of Internal
Medicine shines a light on the
OR's darkest, most overlooked
misbehavior: the sexual abuse
of anesthetized patients.
Since infectious bacteria and the complex design of endo-
scopes can foil even aggressive reprocessing protocols,
routine microbial testing is necessary to prevent cross-con-
tamination and protect patients' safety.
Duodenoscope makers Olympus, Pentax and Fujifilm
failed to report scope-related infection incidents and failed
to prove the adequacy of their scope reprocessing instruc-
tions, says the FDA. osmag.net/Hc0NxL
Less than half of healthcare
providers know the rules for
removing and disposing of per-
sonal protective equipment,
putting them at risk of expo-
sure to bloodborne pathogens.
Should cataract surgery be allowed in office-based settings?
Technological advances have spurred Medicare to consider
the possibility for its 2016 fee schedule.
Playing music in the OR can help to reduce
your patients' post-op pain and improve the
efficiency of your surgeons' efforts, as long as
it doesn't disrupt your staff's critical communica-
tions. osmag.net/j4oBMA
Does a publicly posted database of 16,827 surgeons'
post-op complication rates promote healthcare trans-
parency, or present a short-sighted and misleading view
of clinical quality? osmag.net/rDRC5d
Elderly patient populations see the most post-surgical
readmissions not because they're sicker, but
because they don't understand your discharge
instructions. osmag.net/cKRv4Q
The field of
surface disin-
research lacks
depth, focus-
ing on specific
instead of product-vs.-product comparisons and SSI reduc-
tion statistics. osmag.net/NZxEs7
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