6 2 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E J U LY 2 0 1 5
our facility's anesthesia service affects everyone in the periop-
erative process. Don't believe me? Hire a provider who only
works inpatient cases while your usual guy is away and see
who complains. In anesthesia staffing, the right fit is every-
thing. When you look at your providers, how many of these
statements can you agree with?
They're ambulatory aces
Are your providers skilled in regional blocks and opioid-sparing multi-
modal analgesic approaches? Do they seek out the latest techniques to stay on
the cutting edge of care, or are they rigid in their routines? Ask your circulators
and PACU nurses (or those of the hospitals or ASCs where a service has
worked) which providers' patients wake the fastest after surgery and whose
Does Your Anesthesia
Service Make the Grade?
Look for these qualities
at the head of the OR table.
Carrie L. Frederick, MD
Portland, Maine
z TEAM WORKS Anesthesia providers
should do much more than sedate patients.